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Friday, March 18, 2011


I'm sure everyone know about the devastating event that occurred in Japan a couple of days ago. Well Forever21 is giving 100% of all online purchases today only for Japan! WOWW this is incredible.

Prayers to Japan <3

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Steel Nails!!

Sorry the lighting isn't that good.The color is actually a bit darker
I just recently painted my nails this grayish-purple color! I know, I know it sounds ugly it's so fallish/winterish and I'm very behind on the trend. But i just really wanted to try it out. I love this color but some of my friends hate it. LOL! What do you guys think??

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Whew.. so many tests lately -.-. Here's an outfit of the day!! :) I'm wearing a cream colored top with cute .. I don't know how to call them. 3-D flowers? haha Anyways I love any shirt with these 3-D details of flowers, bows, ruffles, etc.. <33
shirt- Charlotte Russe
black cardigan- Forever21
simple medium blue jeggings- Forever 21

Haha this is mee! working my butt off :))

Close up for the pretty flowers <3
I was wearing my rings from the last post- the "antique" floral ring and the chain ring.